WordPress and Building a Business: Working with Clients to Have a Win-Win Project and Clients for Life

Disaster planning is not where any freelancer or agency wants to start when beginning a working relationship with a new client. Yet, having a solid Plan A can help to ensure you never crack into a disastrous scenario with any client. In this lightening talk, learn the 6 key strategies you need to deploy when building a WordPress based business. Discover ways to create win-win projects and build solid life-long client relationships. To start, what is Plan A, and how do you think through every possible scenario before you meet a potential client? How to ask better questions and build solid expectations from discovery. Learn the ABC technique for building trust, aimed at a prosperous, long-term client. Present your clients with a winning way to take the guesswork out of where you are on their project. Throughout the dynamic presentation, learn about over a dozen proven plugins you can utilize to save time and build a win-win business foundation to support your goals and create a more streamlined approach for better outcomes for you and your clients.
